Quantitative Systems Pharmacology for Immuno-Oncology, Cambridgeshire, UK

ACoP11 Virtual Conference
Stimulation of erythropoiesis with ESA or blood donation: QSP model
Authors: Alexander Stepanov, Galina Lebedeva
Quantitative mechanistic model for amyloid beta and tau protein role in synaptic plasticity
Authors: Stepan Lerner, Tatiana Karelina
Application of different approaches to generate virtual patient populations for QSP model of Erythropoiesis
Authors: Galina Kolesova, Oleg Demin, Alexander Stepanov
Practical Identifiability Analysis of QSP Models with LikelihoodProfiler
Authors: Ivan Borisov, Evgeny Metelkin
“Heta compiler” is a framework for the development and management of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology modeling platforms
Authors: Evgeny Metelkin
Monoclonal antibody therapy efficacy can be boosted by combinations with other treatments: predictions from integrated Alzheimer’s disease QSP platform
Authors: Tatiana Karelina, Stepan Lerner
Unified approach for in vitro data based parameters estimation
Authors: Veronika Musatova, Oleg Demin, Svetlana Rubina
CYTOCON as a tool to collect, compare and visualize available data on cells and cytokine concentrations in humans
Authors: Vlad Leonov, Ekaterina Mogilevskaia, Elita Gerasimuk, Nail Gizzatkulov, Oleg Demin
AAIC Virtual Event
Description of amyloid beta influence on synaptic plasticity and tau hyperphosphorylation by mechanistic quantitative systems pharmacology model
Authors: Stepan Lerner, Tatiana Karelina
Quantitative systems pharmacology model of Alzheimer’s disease to study efficacy of combinatorial therapy on multiple pathology components
Authors: Tatiana Karelina
AACR Virtual Annual Meeting II
Prediction and comparison of PD-1 receptor occupancy in the tumor after treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors
Authors: Dmitry Shchelokov, Oleg Demin Jr
Prediction of target receptor occupancy for ALX148, a CD47 blocker, using mechanistic PK/RO modeling
Authors: Elena Vasileva12, Oleg Demin Jr2
Affiliation: 1Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; 2InSysBio, Moscow, Russia
121st ASCPT Annual meeting (cancelled in response to COVID-19 spread)
Quantitative systems pharmacology model of Alzheimer’s disease predicts effect of tau directed immunotherapy on multiple biomarkers
Authors: Tatiana Karelina, Oleg Demin
61st ASH Annual Meeting & Exposition, Orlando, FL, US
A Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) Model to Predict Receptor Occupancy of Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase (BTK) Inhibitors in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells, Bone Marrow and Lymph Nodes of Patients with B-Cell Malignancies
Authors: Srikumar Sahasranaman1, Oleg Demin Jr2, Dmitry Shchelokov2, Veronika Musatova2, Nageshwar Budha1, Ying Ou2
Affiliation: 1Clinical Pharmacology, BeiGene USA, Inc.; 2InSysBio, Moscow, Russia
ACoP10, Orlando, FL, US
AD pathology QSP platform: studying the interactions between different toxicity modules through the junction of mechanistic submodels
Authors: Tatiana Karelina
Physiologically based pharmacokinetic and receptor occupancy (PBPK/RO) modeling of anti-PD1 monoclonal antibodies
Authors: Oleg Demin Jr, Dmitry Shchelokov
Investigation of bell-shaped dose response of bispecific T-cell engaging antibodies under physiological conditions
Authors: Oleg Demin Jr
Quantitative systems pharmacology model of COPD progression with implemented standard of care treatments (LABA/ICS)
Authors: Galina Lebedeva1, Mikhail Benkov1, Oleg Demin1, Loveleena Bansal2, Cibele Falkenberg2, Martin Hingle3, Valeriu Damian2
Affiliation: 1InSysBio, Moscow, Russia; 2GSK, Collegeville, PA; 3GSK, Stevenage, UK
LikelihoodProfiler is a software package for practical identifiability analysis for the large-scale dynamic models
Authors: Ivan Borisov, Evgeny Metelkin
Development of quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) model of systemic lupus erythematosus and its application to explore possible mechanisms of alterations in serum IFN1 resulting from anti-IFNAR1 treatment
Authors: Sergey Smirnov1, Alexsandra Diakonova1, Oleg Demin1, Christopher Morehouse2, Dominic Sinibaldi2, Raj Tummala3, Denison Kuruvilla4, Yen Len Chia4, Lorin K. Roskos2, Wendy I. White2
Affiliation: 1InSysBio, Moscow, Russia; 2MedImmune, Gaithersburg, MD USA; 3AstraZeneca Gaithersburg, MD USA; 4MedImmune, San Francisco, CA USA
Influence of neuronal protein degradation pathways on tau pathology studied by Quantitative Systems Pharmacology model
Authors: Mark Meerson1, Tatiana Karelina1 and Diana Сlausznitzer2
Affiliation: 1InSysBio, Moscow, Russia; 2AbbVie, Ludwigshaven, Germany
From stem cell to erythrocyte and platelet: QSP model of erythropoiesis and thrombopoiesis for assessing the impact of pharmacological interventions
Authors: Alexander Stepanov, Galina Lebedeva
Workflow for development of QSP models of Immune Response requires appropriate software infrastructure
Authors: Tatiana Karelina, Sergey Smirnov, Galina Lebedeva, Oleg Demin Jr, Evgeny Metelkin, Nail Gizzatkulov
’Heta’ is a new declarative language to define the large-scale systems pharmacology and systems biology models
Authors: Evgeny Metelkin
PBPK modeling for therapeutic nanoparticles loaded with drug: distribution and release
Authors: Evgeny Metelkin, Oleg Demin
In vitro to in vivo extrapolation of CD4 T cell polarization in lymph nodes using QSP modeling
Authors: Oleg Demin, Svetlana Rubina, Dmitry Shchelokov, Oleg Demin Jr
QSP model of human granulopoiesis and neutrophil homeostasis for assessment of pharmacological interventions
Authors: Galina Lebedeva, Alexander Stepanov