InSysBio to upgrade its SbmlViewer application

May 19, 2021

May 19, 2021

[Moscow – 19.05.2021] InSysBio, one of the world’s pioneers of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) modeling, launches the new version (0.3.0) of its SbmlViewer open project. Generally, SbmlViewer is a tool for fast and easy reading and transformation of biological models written in SBML format. It allows reading SBML models without any software installation via the web browser.

InSysBio constantly moves forward in its software advancement for both internal and external usage. Thus, SbmlViewer application is being constantly upgraded and got some new features over recent months.

Evgeny Metelkin, Head of Product Development, comments on the update, ”Now SbmlViewer supports the Antimony format which is another human-readable modeling language for systems biology. In addition, the new version has substantial updates to Heta code representation". Moreover, the bug of true/false in the Heta format and logical operators in Heta export have been fixed.

Its usage is secure for a code since SbmlViewer never uploads your files to the server and all transformations are performed locally in your browser. SbmlViewer is extremely helpful in the following cases:

  • a user needs to share a model in human readable and compact format;
  • a user cannot install his favorite tool to read and check some SBML file;
  • some software cannot read some specific SBML elements but the file includes them;
  • a user has some errors when importing SBML and checking the model code.

SbmlViewer is an open project located on GitHub

For more information, please visit

About InSysBio

InSysBio is a Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) company located in Moscow, Russia (INSYSBIO LLC) and Edinburgh, UK (INSYSBIO UK LIMITED). InSysBio was founded in 2004 and has an extensive track record of helping pharmaceutical companies to make right decisions on the critical stages of drug research and development by application of QSP modeling. InSysBio’s innovative QSP approach has already become a part of the drug development process implemented by our strategic partners: there are more than 120 completed projects in collaboration with leaders of pharmaceutical industry. For more information about InSysBio, its solutions and services, visit

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