The new platform is a part of Heta-based QSP modeling infrastructure
[Moscow – 11.08.2021] InSysBio, one of the world’s pioneers of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) modeling, now presents HetaSimulator. It is a part of Heta project that embraces three components. HetaSimulator is an OpenSource simulation and parameters estimation platform for the Heta modeling language.
Now IRT gets significant update and a portion of new data
[Moscow – 22.07.2021] InSysBio, one of the world’s pioneers of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) modeling, launches Immune Response Template (IRT) version 3.5.0.
[Moscow – 19.05.2021] InSysBio, one of the world’s pioneers of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) modeling, launches the new version (0.3.0) of its SbmlViewer open project. Generally, SbmlViewer is a tool for fast and easy reading and transformation of biological models written in SBML format.
InSysBio presents the major updates of Heta compiler. Heta compiler is a software tool for development of QSP modeling platforms. In fact, its core option is the compilation of Heta-based platforms. Its functionality has been significantly elaborated and now Heta compiler has become even more useful and functional.
IRT gets new data and recalculated parameters
[Moscow – 30.03.2021] InSysBio, one of the world’s pioneers of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) modeling, launches Immune Response Template (IRT) version 3.4.0. IRT represents a Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) platform of immune system simultaneously being a tool for development of models related to immune system. IRT is based on two main components.
[Moscow – 15.02.2021] Oleg Demin Jr, Head of Oncology and Immuno-Oncology at InSysBio, one of the world’s pioneers of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) modeling, has talked to, a global innovation ecosystem magazine. The interview in frames of the series "INNOVATORS VS COVID-19" covers the application of system-pharmacology modeling to different stages of drug research and development and InSysBio's current development in the context of the pandemic.
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