InSysBio announces its participation in AAIC 2022 (Online). Alzheimer’s Association International Conference is held July 31 – August 4, 2022 in San Diego, USA and Online. InSysBio Neurodegeneration Diseases team presents three posters within its frames
InSysBio announces its participation in Quantitative Systems Pharmacology for Immuno-Oncology, a joint meeting of the EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) & the UK QSP Network which is to be held 25th & 26th April 2022 in person at the EMBL-EBI Main Building, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK
InSysBio announces its participation in Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Conference 2022 (QSPC2022) which is to be held on April 20-22, 2022, Leiden, The Netherlands. InSysBio team is going to present its QSP tools at the Booth and 15 posters in frames of the Conference
InSysBio team is going to present its posters in frames of American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2022 which is to be held April 8-13, New Orleans, Louisiana. The abstracts have been published on AACR website and E-Posters are going to be presented if frames of Poster Sessions
InSysBio announces its participation in ASCPT 2022 Annual Meeting which is to be held virtually March 16-18, 2022. InSysBio is going to give a talk in frames of its Micro-Theater Session with live Q&A which is scheduled for 3:30 PM ET, Thursday, March 17th. InSysBio team will also present two posters
InSysBio announces its participation in Tau2022 Global Conference. Tau2022 is held virtually on February 22-23, 2022. InSysBio team presents a poster within its frames
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